Dean facility management hanzehogeschool
Dean hanzehogeschool
International Facility Management
International Facility Management | International Facility Management Hanzehogeschool Groningen. |
Exchange programme | Home Language Nederlands English. |
Governance and organisation | Country Netherlands. |
Governance and organisation | Hanze UAS | . |
Hanzehogeschool facility management
- Details - ECTS Course Catalogue This makes facility management (FM) a very broad study programme. Facility managers can work practically anywhere. They work for large companies such as banks, insurance companies or .
- BBA International Facility Management at Hanze University International Facility Management is four-year Bachelor degree taught in English at Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Students have the opportunity to do an exchange semester .
- Institute of Facility Management Contact Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific .
- Hanzehogeschool Groningen In this Library Guide you'll find a lot of information related to Facility Management. As a Hanze student, you can make use of the Hanze Library for free. It is a great place to .